Monday, March 30, 2009

Walking Tutorial

Some people have been questioning me lately about the process through which I achieve access to the spiritual realm. I will attempt to address that today with this post :

The spiritual realms, both light and dark, overlap to form the physical realm. The physical realm, mother to our physical bodies, overlaps with our spirits (souls), born of the spirit realm, to form the mental state. Because of this, our minds are the gateways to our spirits, and our spirits are the gateways to the spiritual realms. Truly powerful Neo-Shamans can, in theory, transport the body through the mind into the spiritual realm of their choice. Such a practice I will not disclose here, but I would like to explain how to reach the spiritual realms with the mind.

In the simplest terms, we access the spiritual realm through altered states of consciousness. This is why hallucinogenic drugs are very often associated with Neo-Shamanism. However, I do not believe such drugs are necessary, and that instead they can ruin the experience as a whole. Reaching the spiritual realm without the aide of mind-altering drugs is a slightly more difficult process, but is also one which I have found to be much more rewarding.

To achieve this goal, one needs only to relax. To clear the mind, and relax the body. Start by sitting in a comfortable position. Now take a deep, slow breath in and imagine in your mind white energy filling your lungs. Now imagine this white energy flowing up through your shoulders, relaxing them, and up into your mind. As you exhale let the white energy take your thoughts out with them, subsequently clearing your mind. On the second, deep, slow breath let the energy move downwards into your core and legs. Feel the intensity of this energy, almost like a mild vibration across your skin. Now exhale this breath. allowing the white energy to remove all impurities from your body. Repeat the long, slow breath, only this time let the white energy fill your entire body. This should help you reach a very relaxed state. If not, keep repeating the slow breaths, letting the energy fill your entire body. With each exhale, imagine dark energy being drawn out of your body.

Once you are fully relaxed, it is time to start the journey. There is a spot on the forehead, between the eyes, referred to frequently as the third eye. You goal is to look through this third eye, with your eyes closed, and to leave this state of consciousness into the spiritual realm. Focus on this spot, leaving your entire body in a state of relaxation. Slowly detach yourself from your body, and feel your mind being lifted by the white energy out of your head. Continue to relax, and seek out your spirit guide. Your guide will come shortly, if you seek hard enough, to lead you on the rest of your journey.

This is the process I use most frequently, although now the initial cleansing, relaxation process is no longer necessary. With enough practice you will be able to jump straight into the altered state merely by closing your eyes and focusing. This is the goal you should strive to achieve. Try to reconnect with your spirit guide, and make a strong enough connection that you do not need to enter an altered state to seek guidance. It is at this point that you can freely dart in and out of the spiritual realm to find the knowledge you are seeking.

I hope this brief guide has been helpful, and if you should have any further questions feel free to e-mail them to me at . May your own, individual faiths guide you in your journey. :-)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Walking in the Light

I wish to discuss the spiritual journey I embarked on when I truly got in touch with my Neo-Shamanic nature.

My journey began like this :

I sat quietly, in a comfortable position with my eyes closed. I focused first on my breathing to synchronize myself with my body. Then I focused on the energy around me, feeling it flow and pulse. I relaxed every muscle in my body, letting my hands rest on my knees with the palms facing each other, hands completely relaxed to a point where they looked as though they were gripping a staff. A very loose fist, of sorts.

From this point I deepened and lengthened my breaths, focusing on a point in the center of my forehead to help me concentrate. The exact location of this point can change for everyone. It is the point you focus to at which you feel the most in tune with your spirituality.

It was at this point that I called out in my mind, "Come to me spirits. Show me your ways. Show yourself to me, and let me learn from your experiences."

As I continued to focus, I entered a dream-like state. It was at this state that I saw a great white eagle fly down to me and take me up upon it's back. We began flying, very high and very fast, through the clouds. We said nothing at first. After flying for what felt like 15 minutes I asked, "Where are we going?" At this point he first spoke to me, in a very deep, powerful voice. He told me "To see your ancestors."

Suddenly we dropped much lower. I could see emerald-green fields spread out below me. We were entering a valley, surrounded by snow-capped mountains. Nestled against one of the mountains, there was a large castle. This castle was comprised of a tall tower in the Eastern corner, and a courtyard in the center, raised high on top of a tall building. This courtyard had an anvil at the center, with a ring of knee-high stones set around it. There was a blacksmith at work on the anvil, and what appeared to be a mage casting various spells around the ring of stones. Flying by, my spirit-guide informed me that my spirituality was represented in the mage, and my personality in the blacksmith. This told me that I am a very spiritual individual, who finds strength in the spirit. It also tells me that I put myself to tasks, working diligently. I attack all situations from many different angles, refining what I'm working on until it meets my high standards.

All of this is very accurate in describing me as a person. I encourage everyone to try to experience this journey to find themselves. You can learn a lot from these spiritual journeys, not just about yourself but about those around you as well.

Keep an eye out for my next blog where I describe my next experience in the light realm.

May your own, individual faiths guide you in your journey :-)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Life in the Perspective of a Neo-Shaman

Life exists in three different realms, or planes. We have a light plane, a shadow plane, and a physical plane, comprised of the overlapping of the prior two. The light and shadow plane, respectively, are spiritual existences. They are exact opposites of each other. The only way to either of them is through the physical plane. This is where things become slightly complicated : life is comprised of 3 different states. We have a mental state, a physical state, and a spiritual state. They are comprised of our thoughts, our feelings, and our existence, respectively. Our physical state exists as our body. All of our emotions are byproducts of us having a body. Without a body, we would not have emotion. Our thoughts and memories are a combination of our spirit and our physical being. Much the same concept as the physical realm is the combination of the light and shadow realms. Our mental state exists where the two overlap. Without our mental state, we exist in a spirituality. We have thoughts and reason, separated from emotion and feeling.

This is where neo-Shamanism differs from modern religion. Modern religion is based off of emotion, faith, believing in something and striving for a common goal. Neo-Shamanism is based off of the implementation of the three states of existence to reach a personal goal. For instance, some of us wish to heal either ourselves, or those around us. For that purpose, one would study the implementation of the spirit and the mind to heal the physical. Some others wish for knowledge, and understanding. For that reason, they study the implementation of the spiritual with the physical to gain understanding of the world around them. In my case, I long for the elemental. I study the physical and the mental in regards to the spiritual.

My purpose is to learn the properties of the elements, to meet the elementals, and to learn how they work together in our world.

Fire, Water, Earth, and Air. The four most well known elements. Everything can be comprised of these four elements in some combination. We as people are comprised mostly of water, and molded from clay (according to many beliefs). We go "from dust to dust" for a reason. We are comprised of water and earth. Yet, there is warmth in our bodies (fire) and we survive because of the air around us. We exist in harmony with the 4 elements. Now considered a cold-blooded animal, like a snake or a turtle. They sunbathe to keep their bodies warm, because they don't have the proper control over the fire element in their bodies to do it themselves. Now take a look at fish. They can not survive very well outside of the water. Their bodies are comprised of earth and water, yet they are designed to "breath water." Their weakness is the air.

These concepts hold very true for life itself. These four elements are the foundation of understanding. However, there is more to this existence that just these four elements. But we will cover that later.

Life is a journey. We all travel down our own paths. Neo-shamanism chose me when I was in middle school, and I've been following it's call ever since. I am not a great Shaman master, as many would wish to have you think. However, I do have some experience under my belt. My goal is simply to provide insight into the way of the neo-Shaman for those who are interested.

I am preparing to start another series of blogs to cover the three realms of existence as best as I can. Shortly after I will start a questions and answers blog, so get ready :-) Feel free to e-mail me at with any questions you might have.

May your own, individual faiths guide you in your journeys.

Monday, March 9, 2009

About Me

Welcome back. Just for clarification I am a caucasian male born March 3, 1990 in the United States. I was raised in a Christian household, by my grandparents, from the ages 10 to 16. Living with my grandparents I started to sense malicious spirits all around me, almost all the time. I was living in constant fear. Then, one day, I decided to meditate and focus my attention inward so that I could see what was going on in my life. That's when I met met spirit guide, who has since shown me the life of a neo-shaman. I use the term "neo-shaman" because the term shaman is reserved for a very specific group of people with their own set beliefs, but we will cover that later. I have been following the path since I was 13 years old, although I never revealed this to anyone. Sadly, there are very few shamans in my area, so I'm very much isolated. I still enjoy my life, though, as the undercover neo-shaman of my town. May your own, individual faiths guide you on your journeys. Keep an eye out for my next blog where I describe my neo-shamanic beliefs and understandings of life.


Hello. I am a 6-year practicing neo-shaman who has been trying to find a way to reach the world. As an early birthday present to myself I started this blog to help express my experiences. I will start by explaining the beliefs of a neo-shaman, progress to the methodology, and conclude with actual experiences. I intend to allow commenting so others may share feedback so I can improve on my blog and answer various questions. I hope many of you find my advice helpful either now or in thw future. So greetings to all, and may your individual faiths guide you in your journeys!

Please feel free to visit my Questions/Answers page and my page on the Shadow Realm.